Early Paper Money of America / South Carolina / 1788

User Collection Publique
1 Item
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£125,000 in Special Indents were issued to raise money for the year 1788 and authorized by the Feb. 27, 1788 Act and receivable for taxes for the years 1784 through 1788 inclusive. Typeset. Signers were James Ballantine, Jacob Deveaux, and James Kennedy.

1s [1,000]
1s6d [1,000]
5s [3,500]
10s [2,400]
£1 [2,000]
£2 [1,489]
£3 [1,200]
£5 [4,000]
£6 [3,000]
£10 [3,622]
£20 [2,000]

Travaux (1)

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  2022-05-04 Publique