Early Paper Money of America / New Jersey / 1716/17 January 24

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1 Item
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

£4,670 (11,675 ounces of silver plate) in legal tender Bills of Credit were approved by the Jan. 25, 1716/17 Act and were to be valid until Dec. 1, 1718. Printed by William Bradford. Signers were John Harrison, John Kay, John Kinsey, and David Lyall, three of whom were to sign each bill.

2s (5 dwt.) [1,000]
4s (10 dwt.) [1,000]
5s (12 dwt., 12 gr.) [1,000] 8s (1 oz.) [500]
8s (1oz.) [500]
10s (1 oz., 5 dwt.) [1,000]
16s (2 oz.) [500]
20s (2 oz., 10 dwt.) [1,170]
30s (3 oz., 15 dwt.) [500]
40s (5 oz.) [550]

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