Early Paper Money of America / North Carolina / 1775 August 21 Session Act
User Collection PublicEarly Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£125,000 in Bills of Credit authorized by the Sept. 7, 1775 Resolution and payable in Spanish milled dollars. Engraved bills with ornamental borders and unusual vignettes in the lower left corner. Reference to only 12 United Colonies on $1 and $10 bills is due to the fact that Georgia had not yet sent a representative to the Continental Congress. Signers were Richard Caswell, Richard Cogdell, Samuel Johnston, Thomas Jones, and Andrew Knox. This issue and the April 2, 1776 issue were to be exchanged pursuant to the Aug. 8, 1778 Act for the Aug. 8, 1778 issue or become invalid by May 1, 1779. This was extended to May 1, 1780 at the Jan. 19, 1779 Session, to May 1, 1781 by the Act of April 17,1780, and to Feb. 4, 1784 by the Act of April 14, 1781.
$1/4 Key [4,000]
$1/2 Drum, cannon & flags [4,000]
$1 Hermes. 12 UNITED COLONIES [4,000]
$2 [4,000]
$3 Masonic emblems [4,000]
$4 Masonic emblems. AERA OF MASONRY 1775 [4,000] ▷CF◁
$5 Gov. Tryon’s Palace at Newbem [4,000]
$8 Britannia stabbing herself. INFELIX BRITANNIA. (Unhappy England) [4,000]
$10 Twelve arms supporting liberty cap. HANC TUEMUR HAC NITIMUR
(This we guard, for this we strive) [3,000]