Steve Crain Seated Half Dimes

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3956 Items
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

The Steve Crain reference collection of seated half dime varieties, with attributions & notes from Steve Crain. |NNP acknowledges the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society and Liberty Seated Collectors Club for underwriting photography cost of the Steve Crain Liberty Seated half dime die variety reference collection. Photography was performed by Steve Herrman, with the cooperation of W. David Perkins. To access the Crain collection data in spreadsheet form, see

作品 (3956)

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  标题 添加日期 能见度
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市
  2022-06-04 上市