Early Paper Money of America / Virginia / 1776 October 7 Act

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

£400,000 ($1,333,333) in legal tender Treasury Bills under the Oct. 7, 1776 Act redeemable by Jan. 1, 1790. Borders for integral dollar denominations of the previous issue were reused and new cuts for text and designs prepared by Robert Scot for the fractions. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS (Ever thus to tyrants) has a misspelling TYRANNUS and is added to the $4 and higher denominations. Printed by Alexander Purdie on rag paper containing blue fibers and mica flakes. Signers were B. Dickson, Blonet Pasteur, and James Wray. One signer appears on the four lowest denominations and two signers on the others.

$1 Spanish Dollar insignia ▷CF◁

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