Early Paper Money of America / Georgia / 1777 September 10, 1777 Resolution

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

Typeset certificates issued pursuant to the Sept. 10, 1777 Resolution to support Continental troops, etc. Payable in Continental Currency at a time when Georgia exchange was 187.9 to 100 in specie. Denominations of $4/5 and under are printed in black and are shorter than higher denominations, which are printed in red and black. Red circular seals appeared on the $1 through $4 denominations and dark blue circular seals on the $5 through $8. Signers were C.F. Chevalier, W. Hohendorf, William O'Bryen, Nehemiah Wade, and Richard Wylly. Fractional denominations have two or three signers and integral denominations have five signers. The 13 link emblem on the seal of the $8 of this and the prior issue was adapted from Benjamin Franklin's design for the back of the Continental Currency fractional issue of Feb. 17, 1776.

$1/5 Four border varieties:
Same borders as varieties (c), (h), (i) and (j) of $1/2 and $4/5. In variety (c) the text contains Value Is. In variety (h) the denomination in the box is inverted.

$1/2 Three border varieties:
(h) Number 9 in center of top border
(i) 11 ornaments to right of e in bottom border. 
(j) 12 ornaments to right of e in bottom border.

$4/5 Seven border varieties:
(a) Vertical line in center of top border.
(b) Oval shaped floral ornaments in top and bottom borders and no period after DOL or after 4s in denomination box.
(c) Oval shaped floral ornaments in top and bottom borders and period after DOL but not after 4s.
(d) Oval shaped floral ornaments in top and bottom borders and period after both DOL and 4s.
(e) Lower right corner ornament matches right border only and 4 is in top border. 
(f) 12 ornaments to right of 4 in bottom border but no 4 in top border. 
(g) 14 ornaments to right of 4 in bottom border but no 4 in top border.

$2 Ship
$3 Frontiersman
$4 Stag
$6 Millstone on palm tree. OPPRESSA SURGIT
$8 Thirteen Links. C CONGRESS

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