Early Paper Money of America / Pennsylvania / 1775 April 10

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

£25,000 in Bills were issued for the construction of jails and correctional institutions pursuant to the Mar. 18, 1775 Act. The face is similar to the same denominations of the April 25, 1759 issue. A view of the Walnut Street Workhouse (the city jail of Philadelphia) is on the back and the text above and below it faces the opposite direction. See August 10, 1739 for spelling and type style variations. Printed by Hall & Sellers in red and black on both the face and back. The paper contains blue thread and mica flakes. Signers were Job Bacon, Lindsay Coats, and Edward Roberts, three signers with one usually signing with red ink.

50s Plate C, Pennsilvania [1,667]
Plate D, Pennsylvania [1,667]
£5 Plate A, Pensylvania [1,667]
£5 Plate B, Pensilvania [1,666]

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