Early Paper Money of America / Maryland / 1767 January 1

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|$173,733 in indented Bills without legal tender status and authorized at the Nov. 1, 1766 Session. They were payable at 4s6d sterling per dollar in bills of exchange between June 25, 1777 and Dec. 25, 1777. This issue constituted the earliest governmental use of the “dollar” as an official unit of monetary value in the world. The Loan Office had been ordered closed at the Nov. 1, 1765 Session and all prior issues were made invalid after April 1, 1766. The Bank of England stock remaining after redemption of the prior issues was to secure this and following issues. By the Act passed during the Nov. 8, 1779 Session, bills of this issue were to be deposited with the Treasurer of the Western Shore by June 1, 1780 or become invalid. Elaborate border cuts engraved by Thomas Sparrow containing either his initials or name as well as the initials or name of Jonas Green as printer. Nature prints from the July 14, 1756 issue were reused. Letters from many different type fonts were used to deter counterfeiting. Some words are improperly hyphenated while other words are divided by the Colony arms. In the $1 and $2 denominations tiny engravings of coined Spanish Dollars are the first use of coin illustrations on American paper money. Curiously, the Spanish Dollar images contain GEORG in the legend. For further explanation of secret marks, deliberate or in error, refer to the next issue. Thick weak paper. Signers were John Clapham and Robert Couden.

$1/9 (6d) [12,000]
$1/6 (9d) Commas in Roman numerals [12,000]
$2/9 (1s) Comma instead of period after Maryland [12,000]
$1/3 (1s6d) Carets under small h in Third and small e in Bearer [11,999]
$1/2 (2s3d) Small A between HALF and DOLLAR [12,000]
$2/3 (3s) Caret under small h in Thirds [12,002]
$1 (4s6d) Engraving of Spanish Dollar [12,000 ]
$2 (9s)         Engraving of two Spanish Dollars [12,000]
$4 (18s) Caret under third the [6,318]
$6 (27s) Three type sizes in MARYLAND [6,318]
$8 (36s) Denomination printed 9 times [6,319] ▷CF◁

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