Invasion of Champaign

User Collection Pubblico
240 Items
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Photographs of the Dan Hamelberg library tour, August 18, 2019.|

The "Invasion of Champaign," August 18, 2019, was a tour of the Dan Hamelberg library in Champaign, IL, sponsored by the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Attendees included Len Augsburger & Debra Kurtz, Chuck Heck, Wayne Homren, Jan Monroe, Jeff Dickerson, George Kolbe & Betty Lowery, Tom & Pam Harrison, Garrett Ziss, David Fanning, Mike Clark, David Perkins, and Dan & Connie Hamelberg.

Photography by Lianna Spurrier (under sponsorship of Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society) and Wayne Homren.

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