Early Paper Money of America / New Hampshire / 1742 April 3

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1 Item
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£4,720 in New Tenor legal tender Bills of Credit equal to four times the sum in Old Tenor bills. Elaborately engraved in Boston on two copper plates. The motto DIEU ET MON DROIT (God and my right) has been added to the Arms. Engraved backs were on the four highest denominations and contained the equivalents of four Old Tenor for one New Tenor. The backs of the four lower denominations were blank. Approved by the April 3, 1742 Act at 6s8d per ounce of silver. An additional £1,280 were simultaneously printed, held, and issued under the Sept. 28, 1743 Act. The two faceplates redated 1743 and Feb. 1744 still exist, as does the back plate for the four highest denominations. The plates were engraved by Thomas Johnston of Boston who printed the bills. Signers were Theodore Atkinson, Charles Clarkson, John Downing, Ellis Huck, Jotham Odiorne, Jr., Joshua Peirce, George Walton, and Andrew Wiggin.

6d (1 dwt., 12 gr.)
1s (3 dwt.)
2s6d (7 dwt., 12 gr.)
6s (18 dwt.)
7s6d (1 oz., 2 dwt., 12 gr.) ▷RP◁
10s (1 oz., 10dwt.) ▷RP◁
20s (3 oz.) ▷RP◁
40s (6oz.) ▷RP◁

Funktioniert (1)

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  Titel Datum hinzugefügt Sichtweite
  2022-05-05 Öffentlichkeit