Early Paper Money of America / Continental Currency / 1783 Subsistence Notes

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Last Updated: 2022-03-24

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

$160,000 in bearer notes due 30 days after issuance, signed by Michael Hillegas, Treasurer of the United States, and issued under the direction of Robert Morris as cash subsistence allowances for Continental Army officers in convenient denominations during 1783. These were direct obligations of the United States. Receivers of Continental Taxes were instructed by Robert Morris to take these notes as cash. The paper was made by Mark Wilcox of Chester County, Pennsylvania and watermarked SUBSISTENCE. The printing was done by Hall and Sellers of Philadelphia on 4,000 sheets under the supervision of Benjamin Dudley. Notes contained handwritten serial letters, in addition to serial numbers.

$1 $2 $4 $8 $10 $15

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  Titel Datum hinzugefügt Sichtweite
  2022-05-02 Öffentlichkeit