Early Paper Money of America / Connecticut / 1776 June 19

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

£50,000 ($166,667) in Treasury Notes dated June 19, 1776 due Jan. 1, 1782, similar to prior issues. These bills have the signers as July 1, 1775 issue, with two signatures for 20s and 40s with one signature for others. Connecticut and Continental issues made legal tender by Oct. 1776 Act. Some Connecticut bills are slash or hole cancelled and others show redemption registration by the comptroller in ink. Denominations of 3s, 6s, 10s and 15s authorized but not printed.

David Gladfelter reported a counterfeit of the June 19, 1776 40-shilling note in the C4 Newsletter, Summer 2019, ex. Stack's Bowers Baltimore Auction, 10/2018, lot 9003.

6d [30,650]
9d [15,000]
1s [3,000]
1s3d [6,000]
1s6d [9,000]
2s [9,000]
2s6d [7,500]
5s [12,000]
20s [3,500]
40s [17,500]

作品 (40)
