EARTHQUAKE REPORT Publique Deposited

Contenu de l'article
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 10, March 4, 2001, Article 2


    Seattle-area resident and NBS Vice President Tom Sheehan
    filed this report on Wednesday's earthquake: "I was at the
    kitchen counter when the quake hit. Then just like the prepared
    person I am, did everything wrong. Just as I thought the quake
    was over I decided to check on a neighbor and went to the front
    door under our skylight, which is about eight feet wide and fifteen
    feet long. Not too smart.

    Anyway, I just read an e-mail from my sister in San Francisco.
    If I would take what she read in the newspaper down there the
    quake must have been "The Big One" If you look at a map you
    will see that Renton is south of Seattle and Edmonds where I live
    is north of Seattle. Her paper had Renton north of Seattle. I
    will have to go outside and see just how close I am now to the
    Boeing Renton plant. Moving an entire city 30 or 40 miles would
    have to qualify as a major earthquake.

    In my own situation I don't think anything has moved. It would
    have been great if a few numismatic books could have moved into
    my shelves, say some from George Kolbe or maybe from that
    collector DH.

    Overall though, parts of the state have been declared a disaster
    area and the estimate for damage is now running at 2 billion.
    Only one fatality, due to a heart attack. We are very lucky."

    Tom's daughter Erika provided a link to this moving account of
    the earthquake:

    Another Seattle-area resident, Large Cent researcher Del
    Bland, reported by phone that his home suffered only
    minor damage, such as some new hairline cracks in
    ceilings. When the quake hit, his wife wisely moved under
    a doorjamb. But not Del - "I had to hold up my
    bookshelves to make sure they didn't fall over..."
    We bibliophiles really ARE nuts, aren't we?

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-03-04
  • 4

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Auteur NNP