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  • Howard A. Daniel III is a huge booster of our club (the Numismatic Bibliomania Society) and several other organizations he belongs to. For several years he has manned a booth at the annual American Numismatic Association convention promoting these organizations. There will be a change this year - here's an update from Howard. -Editor

    I was recently informed that my club table/booth at the American Numismatic Association events will now cost $100 to cover their costs. This is not a problem for me because I have been a Patron for $100 for most of their events, but I have been a little concerned because we "minor" Patron donors have recently not been getting noticed at the events.

    I was also informed that that my Boston club table would be on the midway/concourse and not on the bourse. Whenever I have had a club table on a midway/concourse, it has been a waste of time. The event attendees want to quickly get on the bourse and bypass the club tables, and when they leave, they are ready to go home and also bypass the club tables.

    I told the ANA that I would not be using a club table in Boston, but I would still assist with the Philippine Collectors Forum on Friday and moderate my Numismatics International (NI) and International Bank Note Society (IBNS) meetings on Saturday. And I can put some materials out for NBS and the other organizations I support on the information tables at the entrance to the bourse.

    E-Sylum readers will not see me at a table as usual, but they can page me and come to my meetings, if they wish to talk to me.

    Many thanks to Howard for all of his past service to NBS. I'm sorry the club table won't work out this year, but his reasoning seems solid. If it won't be an effective use of his time, let's look at other options.

    Information on other planned NBS events at the convention were published in the latest issue of our print journal, The Asylum, and I'll provide updates here in The E-Sylum over the next few weeks. -Editor
URL source Date publiée
  • 2010-06-27
  • 13

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