- Sometimes The E-Sylum just scares me - it's such a scary good place to post research questions. One of the last items I put into last week's issue was Russ Sears' story about the Judge James P. Gorter medallion. He had information on the creation and striking of the medallions, but had not seen any examples. Only two were struck (in gold and bronze). Talk about a rare medal! What are the odds of finding one? Well, here's what happened. -Editor
Russ Sears wrote:
I suspect that the two medallions which were made ended up in the family and are probably sitting in a drawer somewhere.
On Monday Kay O. Freeman wrote:
As a researcher, I would look at James P. Gorter's will, in Baltimore, to see if medallions are mentioned and whether bequeathed to institution or family. I would contact his descendents who I have found living in Illinois. Often, in my research, I have contacted descendents with good results.
Yesterday, Russ Sears wrote:
Kay Freeman's information hit the spot. Last evening I spoke with Mr. Thomas P. Gorter, Jr., the grandson of Judge Gorter. He has one of the medals. It is described as about 3" - 3.5" portraying the judge on one side and the presentation information on the other. Since it is framed and he is not scanner savvy, I didn't want to impose on him to go somewhere and have it photographed. Life is a treasure hunt.
So in less than a week we located one of the medals (50% of the entire issue)! Thanks, Kay! If only all research questions had such happy endings. Life as a numismatic researcher is indeed a treasure hunt - you never know when you'll hit paydirt, but the possibility is always there, so never stop looking, people! -EditorTo read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: QUERY: JUDGE JAMES P. GORTER MEDALLION SOUGHT (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v13n25a17.html)
- 2010-06-27
- 13