C. WILSON PECK QUOTE Público Deposited

Contenido del artículo
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 18, April 29, 2001, Article 5


    Alan Luedeking writes: "In E-Sylum Vol. IV, Nos. 13 & 14,
    Aaron Feldman's famous "Buy the Book Before the Coin"
    statement is traced to a first documented appearance in
    1966. On the back cover of Al Almanzar's 1972 "Latin
    American Numismatic Bibliography (Including the Caribbean)",
    appears the following quote:

    "C. Wilson Peck, who is often referred to as 'The Father of
    British Numismatics', is quoted as having said: 'How do you
    become a numismatist? The first thing is to buy a book. I
    would sooner spend five pounds on a good book than I
    would on a coin. Many people will not buy books. I cannot
    understand them.'"

    Does anyone know when he said this?"

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2001-04-29
  • 4


Autor NNP