WILLIAM L. BISCHOFF 1938 - 2010 Público Deposited

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  • In addition to the recent loss of Joe Lasser, numismatic author William Bischoff passed away recently, too. I understand the upcoming issue of ANS Magazine will have obituaries of both gentlemen. -Editor

    Richard Doty writes:

    William Bischoff, my successor as Curator of Modern Coins and Paper Money at the ANS, later Curator of Numismatics at the Newark Museum, also passed away, right before Christmas. Bill was an engaging, funny man with new and worthwhile takes on Numismatics, and he'll be greatly missed by all who knew him.

    Robert Hoge was a close friend of Bischoff's, and he's writing an obituary for ANS Magazine. He writes:

    Bill died December 22, 2010. I announced his passing at the January meeting of the New York Numismatic Club on January 14th. Bill's niece has informed me that there will be a memorial service in honor of Bill, probably some time in March.

    Richard Doty adds:

    Bill saw the connectedness between Numismatics, world history, the big picture. There are splitters in this world, and there are lumpers. Splitters research more and more about less and less. Lumpers see the whole thing, all of human development and potential, in all its messy glory. Bill was a lumper. (So am I. That's why we got along so well.)

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2011-01-30
  • 14


Autor NNP