The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 34, August 19, 2001, Article 12
Recent subscriber Nick Graver of Rochester NY, seeks
thoughts on two issues. He may be reached at this email
address: What is the earliest publication, of any sort, that contains
an actual numismatic photograph bound-in as an illustration?2. What is the earliest genuine "book" that contains an original
photograph as a numismatic illustration? This would not
include auction catalogs, or periodicals, journals, or magazines.I am thinking of a book with text dealing with a topic, that
includes a photo as illustration.Note, in both cases, we are not seeking engravings or other
artwork taken from photos, but publications with actual
photos mounted in the pages. I have a slide lecture on
Photographic Numismatics, which includes every possible
example of numismatic item related to Photography, and all
photographic antiques that touch on the Numismatic theme.
Answers to # 1 & 2 will probably interest the whole group.
Any other suggestions about Photographic/Numismatic items
will be most welcome, and may be sent directly 'off-line' to
spare the group."- 2001-08-19
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