FEATURED WEB SITE Publique Deposited

Contenu de l'article
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 50, December 9, 2001, Article 12


    This week's featured web site is recommended by Steve
    Pellegrini: "Here's a fascinating website where I washed up
    while surfing. It's the on-line version of the JAIC (Journal of
    the American Institute for Conservation. Just a few of the
    articles archived and available to read or print are:

    * A Byzantine Scholar's Letter on the Preparation of
    Manuscript Vellum, or, A Note on Identifying Bloom
    on Leather

    * Technical Examination of Renaissance Medals ..
    X-ray Diffraction to Identify Electroformed Reproductions

    The Index lists over 400 articles and reviews related to the
    professional conservation of artifacts."


URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-12-09
  • 4

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Auteur NNP