JAMES CONDER Público Deposited

Conteúdo do artigo
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 21, May 19, 2002, Article 6


    Harold Welch, Editor of the Conder Token Collector's Club
    Journal writes: "I am working on a biography of James Conder,
    the author of 'An Arrangement of Provincial Coins, Tokens,
    and Medalets, Issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies,
    Within the Last Twenty Years: From the Farthing, to the Penny
    Size', Ipswich, 1798. In the field of British Tradesmen's Tokens,
    Conder was something of a triple threat. He was an issuer of
    tokens and a collector who formed a very fine cabinet. Most
    importantly, he was a contemporary author whose work was the
    standard reference for the series until superseded by James Atkins'
    work nearly 100 years later.

    It's not surprising that these tokens would be identified with this
    man and at some point along the way they came to be known
    as "Conder" tokens (especially in the USA). But who hung this
    name on the series and when? I see In the Numismatic Index of
    Periodicals that an article called Study of Conder Tokens by
    Chas. E. Fraser appeared in the Numismatist Vol. 9 \ 1896 \
    pg. 14 (although I haven't seen the actual article). I suspect
    that that was far from the first use of the term. Can anyone cite
    an earlier usage? Also, is anyone aware of any portraits of
    Conder other than the pen and ink sketch from the Wm.
    Norman collection which has occasionally appeared?"

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2002-05-19
  • 5


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