BREEN BIOGRAPHY Público Deposited

Conteúdo do artigo
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 25, June 16, 2002, Article 4


    Regarding the inquiry about Walter's Breen's biography,
    Andrew Pollock writes: "I was told years ago by Jack Collins
    that Walter Breen wrote an autobiography titled "A Minority of
    One." My guess is that if this still exists, it might be in the
    possession of a parole or probation officer, for whom I believe
    it had been written."

    David Gladfelter adds: "Breen published a brief
    autobiographical sketch in Penny Wise, vol. 12, pp 23-27
    (1978). He was a frequent contributor to that publication
    which he called a "fanzine".
    [Penny Wise is the official publication of Early American
    Coppers, Inc. -Editor]

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2002-06-16
  • 5


Autor do PNN