LATIN LINGO FOLLOW-UP Pubblico Deposited
The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 27, June 30, 2002, Article 3
John Adams sends this update: "In the course of working on
reference to a book so rare that it is not in Clain-Stefanelli.
The fabulous A.N.S. Library came to the rescue and, last
weekend, I was able to peruse a copy of C. F. Fleurimont's
"Les Medailles de la Regne de Louis XV ", written in 1749
or perhaps a year or two later.The medal in question was struck to celebrate "le Bonheur
de la France" - i.e. the happiness of the country under the
new king. The motto is translated as "c'est elle qui fait les
siecles d"Or" - it is she, referring to the goddess Astree
depicted on the reverse, who brings the golden
centuries/ages/generations.With the help of Frank Campbell, I was able to find
confirmation of the purpose of the medal as well as its
translation in a listing of dies published by the French Mint
in 1892. I am truly blessed in my researches to have the
A.N.S. library, the friendship of Frank Campbell (librarian
plus extraordinaire) and the support of readers of the E-Sylum.
I am monumentally grateful for all the assistance."- 2002-06-30
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