COIN HOARDS Publique Deposited

Contenu de l'article
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 41, October 13, 2002, Article 11


    Joe Wolfe writes: "I am searching for the names of books or
    journal articles on what numismatists are concerned with when
    a cache of coins is found. Is there some sort of science for
    analysis of caches and what is it's name? I am close to the
    Library of Congress and can slip down there easily for a
    day's research and reading. I can search, read, and eventually
    find the best resources but it is so much easier just to ask the
    experts. My reason for reading up on this topic is I want to
    do the right thing by numismatics and also archeologists when
    I find a cache of coins.

    From the treasure hunter's point of view I suspect an intact
    cache would be worth more to many potential buyers since
    he or she could do the analysis, publish material on what
    was found, and perhaps even name the find."

    [In numismatics the term "coin hoard" seems to be most
    often used. There is quite a body of work on coin hoards
    of the ancient world, but far less has been written on hoards
    found in the United States. Dave Bowers' book, "American
    Coin Treasures and Hoards" is the best single source of
    information on known hoards. But none of the books I've
    seen discussed hoards from the archeological view. -Editor]

URL source Date publiée
  • 2002-10-13
  • 5

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Auteur NNP