D. B. COOPER LOOT Pubblico Deposited
The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 48, December 1, 2002, Article 9
The other boo-boo was my statement that none of D.B.
Cooper's ransom money had been found. Terry
Stahurski wrote: "Is it my imagination or did I read
somewhere that some tattered currency was found a
number of years ago in the Pacific Northwest that was
possibly attributed to D.B Cooper's heist?"Well, Terry probably read it right here in The E-Sylum.
From the referenced vol 4, no. 48 issue:"An 8-year-old boy digging a fire pit on a sand bar along
the north bank of the Columbia River west of Vancouver
on Feb. 10, 1980, unearthed $5,800 of Cooper's loot.
The money, only inches below the surface, had eroded so
badly that only Andrew Jackson and the serial numbers
were left.Some believe the find showed Cooper landed in or near
the Columbia River, but hydrologists concluded the tattered
and still-bundled money was more likely deposited by a
stream flow than human hands."All of the notes had been photocopied before being
packaged for the hijacker. So the serial numbers are
known, and 290 of the bills have been recovered."ANA Museum Curator Larry Lee provides this followup:
"There are at least five $20 bills still in the hands of the
family that discovered three bundles of the notes ($5,800
face) along the Columbia River, ten years after the incident.
The ANA was planning on having a display case at the
New York ANA Convention this year showing the bills,
but after 911, an exhibit on planes and hijacking in New
York was inappropriate, so the idea was shelved. The
$20 notes are in very, very poor shape, though their serial
numbers do correspond to the FBI's list of the $200,000
provided to the mysterious Mr. Cooper."- 2002-12-01
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