  • The E-Sylum: Volume 6, Number 31, August 3, 2003, Article 9


    Paul Withers writes: "The new collector of British coins, and
    members of the non-collecting public are often confused by
    the many brass imitations of the guinea, especially the so-called
    'spade' guinea that are to be found. More often than not, they
    are quite wrongly convinced that what they have is a genuine
    gold coin.

    Of course, there are so many of these pieces, some of which
    are very common, that they can be easily collected, and a
    collection of two or three hundred is not difficult to amass for
    very little cost. However, to put together a really good
    collection - one that has more than say five hundred different
    pieces - takes a considerable amount of time and effort, and
    more than seven hundred is an difficult challenge for all but
    the keenest. Why collect them ? There are many reasons,
    not the least of which is that they are there ! Other grounds
    are that they make an interesting study of advertising; local
    items can be researched, and the manufacturers of these
    items traced - all providing hours of innocent pleasure - for
    example, discovering that M.C.M.D.S.T.M.S.P.ET.C is
    not a meaningless jumble of letters put on the coin to impress,
    or fill space, but may be expanded to read : Machine Chain
    Maker. Die Sinker. Tool Maker. Stamper. Etc. Machine
    chain maker ? That's watch chains, or jewelry, not chains
    for restraining prisoners or anchoring boats !

    Readers who have seen these pieces may be interested to
    learn that a new book is about to be born.

    It is A THOUSAND GUINEAS. A Checklist of Imitation
    Guineas and their Fractions, by W Bryce Neilson, with
    assistance from David Magnay, David Young and J Gavin
    Scott. It provides :

    € A checklist and basic guide to the series, listing imitations
    of five guineas, guineas and their fractions, including thirds,
    double sovereigns, sovereigns, and a half sovereign from
    Queen Anne to Victoria.

    € Lists 1,000 examples of currency imitations and advertising
    types using an expandable numbering system.

    Details are as follows : Size A4. 70pp with card covers.
    UK price £15 or 35 US dollars including postage to the US.

    This is a book that has been needed for a long time, for
    although there are the R N P Hawkins articles in BNJ, they
    are restricted mainly to the advertising issues, so the majority
    of examples that one turns up are not listed. There was David
    Magnay¹s 1997 listing, which whilst useful is neither
    comprehensive, nor really widely enough distributed. Then
    we heard that David, Bryce, and others, were continuing
    working on the subject, but by the time that we heard about it,
    they had pooled their efforts and Bryce was viewing collections
    and preparing a new listing with detailed descriptions of all
    imitations previously recorded or published.

    The book begins with a concise introduction with very short
    notes on the various issues of the original coins, treating them
    with as much regard as the collectors of the real gold coins
    treat imitations, which the real cognoscenti know are much
    more interesting, and cheaper ! There is a page of illustrations
    of the main types and brief notes on how to use the checklist.
    The imitations covered are Anne guineas and half guineas,
    Early George III guineas and half guineas, Commemorative
    guineas and halves (referring to royal visits to Cheltenham, etc.)
    Spade guineas and halves, In Memory guineas and
    halves, Advertising guineas and halves and then a miscellany
    section of related pieces including forgeries. The book ends
    with brief notes on the makers and issuers and an index.

    Alas, there are illustrations of only a very few pieces, but in
    general, the descriptions are good enough to locate most
    pieces with certainty, if not with speed, and one does need
    to be a real enthusiast to find one's way around the in
    memory series, which is where photos would have helped
    considerably. However, the author promises a second
    volume which will include an analysis of die links within the
    advertising series, details of original boxes and containers,
    a valuation guide and illustrations covering both volumes.

    Useful ? We wouldn't be publishing it if we didn't think so!
    We shall be using it, as will most dealers and collectors."

來源網址 發布日期
  • 2003-08-03
  • 6
