The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 10, March 7, 2004, Article 8
Gar Travis writes: "On CBS This Morning, Sunday the 29th
of February, Charles Osgood gave a brief introduction and
showed "The First" new nickel to the public, the day before
issue availability on the U.S. Mint Web site." Gar attached
screen captures which he was able to make during the program.An article about the new coin was published in the MArch 3,
2004 issue of The Denver Post."Banks, grocery stores, purses and pockets will soon be
carrying shiny new nickels minted in Denver that commemorate
the 1803 Louisiana Purchase and honor American explorers
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.""Millions of the new nickels have been shipped to Federal
Reserve banks serviced by the Denver Mint and will likely
reach commercial banks within a few weeks, said Guillermo
Hernandez, a Denver Mint spokesman.Thomas Jefferson's likeness will remain on the front, but
Jefferson's Monticello, Va., home will be replaced with a
replica of the Jefferson peace medal that Lewis and Clark
presented to Native Americans as a gesture of friendship
during their 1804-06 expedition.The new peace medal design features two hands shaking."
To read the full story, see: Full Story
- 2004-03-07
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