Conteúdo do artigo
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 11, March 14, 2004, Article 3


    George Kolbe writes: "The last installment of Ford Library
    highlights follows. Basic cataloguing is done. The catalogue
    should be accessible online at our web site (www.numislit.com)
    around the end of March; printed catalogues should be
    available around the end of April. Lots will be available for
    viewing by appointment here in Crestline during the April 15-18
    Early American Coppers Convention in San Diego (2 hours
    away by car). Those planning to attend the sale are advised to
    make room reservations at The Mission Inn in Riverside soon
    to secure the special room rate (see our web site for further
    details). Sale highlights include:

    A large, outstanding selection of Western directories dating
    from the 1850s

    Other important early directories

    Important Banking Directories

    A set of The Numismatist, 1894-1974

    A fine run of 78 Mint Reports, 1878-1983

    The Battle of the Ironclads: a remarkable Civil War Memento
    from the Commander of the Monitor, Rear Admiral John
    Lorimer Worden, comprising a Leather-Bound Presentation
    volume to his cousin containing works and papers concerning
    the engagement of the Monitor and the Merrimac

    A fine collection of John J. Ford, Jr.s earliest numismatic
    publications, issued while he was a teenager.

    A file of 21 most interesting letters from Eric Newman to
    F. C. C. Boyd on various numismatic topics

    John Ford's Hardbound set of New Netherlands Sales,

    A Very Special Run of New Netherlands Sales, 1951-1976,
    featuring many of the auctioneers' and other annotated copies

    A 1945 letter from Assistant Mint Engraver Adam Pietz to
    Wayte Raymond

    Interesting correspondence concerning the 1804 dollar,
    including a 1905 letter from John Nexsen to Lyman Low, and
    an 1884 letter, 1804 dollar photograph, and ink manuscript
    sent by Ivan Michels to Lyman Low.

    A large file of fascinating early correspondence between
    Wayte Raymond and Walter Breen, dating to when Breen
    was attending Johns Hopkins in 1951

    Three superb studio portrait photographs of Thomas Elder

    A series of apparently unknown Elder photographic plates
    depicting rare early merchant tokens and political medals

    A 1946 letter from George Clapp to Henry Hines, reading
    in part: 'When my collection reaches the A. N. S., it will be
    the most complete and largest collection of the Large Cents
    " about 1600 "which has ever been made, a collection that
    today cannot be duplicated"

    A loose set of Clapp 1798-1799 photographic plates

    A manuscript by Harry F. Williams entitled: "A Monograph
    Describing the Gold Coins of Latin America and Treating of
    Their Rarity . . . For the Personal Use of Waldo Newcomer."

    1952 correspondence and other materials pertaining to a 1785
    Confederatio cent sold by James Kelly to John Ford, which
    was expertly plugged by Kelly but apparently was not disclosed.

    1951 correspondence between John J. Ford, Jr. and Walter
    Breen in which an impecunious Breen is taken to task for his
    grooming: "It seems that you have ignored my repeated warnings
    about your personal appearance- everything from keeping the
    hair cut; daily shaving; clean nails; and last but not least, clean,
    pressed clothes. Walter, you are a product of a rough,
    unfortunate environment and you must rise above it." Breen's
    response begins: "Since when do your associates-or whoever
    it is-employ stool pigeons?" Despite such fusillades, the
    correspondence makes it clear that, despite their frustration,
    both men respect each other.

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2004-03-14
  • 7


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