Conteúdo do artigo
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 11, March 14, 2004, Article 11


    George Kolbe writes: "A lot in the June 1, 2004 Ford Library
    auction sheds light on mint engravers and their activities. It is a
    February 2, 1945 letter from Adam Pietz, Assistant Engraver
    at the Mint from 1927 to 1946, to Wayte Raymond. The early
    text responds to Wayte Raymond's inquiries concerning "dies
    made in 44," and "the metal all the recent issues were struck in."
    Pietz also expresses dissatisfaction with conditions there:
    "Strange as it may seem to you, under this present gang, we
    are not allowed to have a strike of any coin, we engrave or
    design, so I will look up my records to give you the various
    metals." Pietz thanks Raymond for a referral, and asks him to
    "please tell Dr. Driggs not to have a competition, as then some
    favorite will surely take the award. As my time for retirement
    has been extended to 6 mo. after the war, I am naturally getting
    ready to conduct my own business again. During Nov & Dec.
    I received a great many calls to engrave coats of arms on signet
    rings, book plates etc. and it just about makes one break even.
    The disgraceful salary at the Mint would not keep me. Art and
    years of experience does not mean a thing here."

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2004-03-14
  • 7


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