JANVIER PLAQUE Público Deposited
The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 12, March 21, 2004, Article 11
Christopher Eimer writes: "With regard to the current
correspondence relating to Janvier and his reducing machine,
readers may like to note that a bronze plaque engraved by
the medallist Alexander Charpentier was struck to
commemorate the process. An image of the plaque may
be found on the Archive page of my website
(www.christophereimer.co.uk), under the year c.1900."[The direct URL for this page is: Plaque Image -Editor]
He adds: "It really was remiss of me not to have taken the
opportunity of saying what a wonderful job and service to
the numismatic community you are doing with the weekly
e-mailed bulletins. It really does provide an ideal forum for
numismatists, whatever their particular interest, and will, I
believe, come to bear an increasing influence on the hobby
and its direction. With many congratulations, Christopher."- 2004-03-21
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