The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 31, August 1, 2004, Article 9
The 2nd edition of Gene Hessler's "U.S. Essay, Proof and
Specimen Notes" has been published. From the Press Release:A FEAST FOR THE EYES! That's what is being said about
the 2nd edition of U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes.
This expanded 272-page book is a banquet of remarkable
bank note illustrations that have never been published before.
For illustrations of U.S. paper money designs that "might
have been" and rare issued notes that are shown here for the
first time, this is the only source available. The first edition was
published in 1979."Meticulously researched and written by the premier researcher
of U.S. paper money of our generation, the new work rightfully
deserves a prominent place along side Gene Hessler's other
standard and classic U.S. currency, engraving and bond volumes."
Fred Reed, editor of PAPER MONEYPaper money catalogs mention but have never illustrated three
1863 interest-bearing treasury notes of $500, $1000 and $5000.
The author has uncovered these rarities and now you can see
them for the first time. In addition to proofs and specimens of
rare notes you will see designs that will make you wonder why
they were never issued.There are very few remaining drawings and sketches that
preceded the final design and ultimate engraving of bank notes.
In these pages there are examples of these rare images and
references to the artists who created them.Collectors will want this book just for the color illustration on
the cover. Professor Roman Hellmann, retired designer for the
National Bank of Austria created this $1 design with the portrait
of Thomas Edison as a test piece for a De La Rue Giori Press.
In the foreword to the 1st edition, James A. Conlon director of
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from 1967-1977 said,
"I am particularly impressed by Mr. Hessler's research on
proofs, essays and experimental designs-the what 'might have
been.'" This book includes information that would have been
lost, Mr. Conlon says, "if it were not for the imaginative
interest and diligent research of devoted scholars like Gene
Hessler. I learned new and interesting facts in the pleasurable
reading of this well-done work."The foreword to this edition by Executive Vice President
Stephen L. Goldsmith of R.M. Smythe & Company lends
another perspective. "The new edition," he says, "comes at a
time when interest in paper money is at an all-time high, and for
a variety of reasons." This new edition will be extremely
valuable to collectors. Mr. Goldsmith continues, "I believe
there was another important element at work, the constant
effort of Gene Hessler, researching, writing, lecturing, and
tirelessly teaching us to appreciate the rich heritage of
America's paper money."Gene Hessler, past editor of PAPER MONEY is the author of
three additional books (the Comprehensive Catalog of U.S.
Paper Money, An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans, 1775-1898,
and The Engravers Line) with another to be published in 2005;
he has written over 300 articles including columns for Coin
World and the Numismatist. He served as curator for The
Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum and the St. Louis
Mercantile Money Museum. Mr. Hessler, a retired musician
has traveled the world and has performed with many of the
most famous names in jazz and classical music. He is listed in
various editions of Who's Who in the Midwest, America and
the World.The cost of the book is $40; a limited collectors' edition is $95.
Include $4 per order (not per book). Send orders to BNR Press,
132 E. Second St., Port Clinton, OH 43452. Order online at
www.papermoneyworld.net, or use PayPal
(bnrpress at papermoneyworld.net.)- 2004-08-01
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