SRI LANKAN UPDATE Público Deposited

Contenido del artículo
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 1, January 2, 2005, Article 1


    Last week, E-Sylum subscriber Kavan Ratnatunga of Sri Lanka
    suggested that those of us wishing to help in the disaster
    recovery efforts send donations to LAcNet, a US non-profit
    organization which is coordinating its efforts via
    LAcNet. When we published our issue
    on Monday the web site noted about $3,300 had been collected;
    as of Wednesday afternoon the total was over $20,000, and
    as of December 31st the total was over $39,000. Many thanks
    to those of you who were able to contribute. LAcNet relief
    organizers have posted progress updates at
    LAcNet relief updates
    The group initiated several projects and has broken down
    how the money is being spent.

    Kavan is well and writes: "Thanks very much for all your help,
    publicity and contributions. I was away for two days in a
    badly struck region in the east of lanka and just returned a
    few hours ago."

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2005-01-02
  • 8


Autor NNP