PAVED WITH ... SILVER DOLLARS? Publique Deposited

Contenu de l'article
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 4, January 23, 2005, Article 11


    Len Augsberger writes: "Has anyone ever heard of a bar in
    New York City where the floor was made out silver dollars?
    The following passage is taken from Jacob Riis' "How the
    Other Half Lives." Riis was a crusading journalist instrumental
    in the reform of building codes in the New York city slums,
    c. 1890:

    "The very floor of one of the bar-rooms, in a neighborhood
    that lately resounded with the cry for bread of starving
    workmen, is paved with silver dollars!" (chapter 18) "

URL source Date publiée
  • 2005-01-23
  • 8

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