The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 10, March 6, 2005, Article 10
Mitch Ernst of Omaha, NE writes: "I was given your address
by a member of Collector's Universe forums. Last Friday I
purchased a 3rd Edition copy of J. Hewitt Judd's "United
States Pattern, Experimental and Trial Pieces" at the
Omaha Public Library book sale.In the book were 2 sheets of paper. One, about 81/2 x 11,
had a heading that said "Childrens Memorial Hospital History
Sheet" and had hand writing listing numerous coins and prices.
On the other sheet (about the size of a note pad) "Laboratory
Notes" and in hand writing listed various denominations and
Judd #'s, what appears to be quantities and prices. Both
pieces of paper appear to be pretty old. Omaha's Children's
Hospital hasn't been called by the name on the sheet for a
number of years and the "Laboratory Notes" references to
196_ for the year to be filled in. I know Judd was a M.D.
here in Omaha so the discovery of those sheets in the book
and the hand written notes, made me curious as to who the
author of the notes may be?I was told that if I contacted you that there was a possibility
that if anyone had a copy of Judd's handwriting they might
send a copy of it to me so I could compare it to the writing
on the 2 pieces of paper I found in my book.If that is not the case that's fine. I know it's a long, long,
long shot that I might have found Judd's own book with
some of his notes in it. It's just that the coincidence of him
being a M.D., the notes being written on older medical
note paper and finding in the city he lived, my curiosity is
piqued about what I might have found. Thank you for
your time."[Mitch's email address is mkernst at webtv.net. -Editor]
- 2005-03-06
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