VARIORIUM Public Deposited


Article content
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 17, April 24, 2005, Article 14


    (From A.Word.A.Day for Thursday, April 21, 2005)
    variorum (var-ee-OR-um) adjective

    1. Containing various versions (from manuscripts,
    earlier editions, etc.) of a text.

    2. Containing notes and commentaries by various
    editors and commentators.

    noun Such a book.

    [From Latin editio cum notis variorum (edition with
    notes of various).]

    "A variorum edition would also show us how these elegiac
    poems, purportedly written on the anniversaries of the
    birthday of [Ted] Hughes's first wife, Sylvia Plath, were
    constructed." John Kinsella; Beguiled by the Wild; The
    Observer (London, UK); Nov 2, 2003.

    [The recent Orosz-Herkowitz article on the origins of
    the 1792 half dismes includes a virtual variorium of a
    numismatic document; a set of an author's draft manuscripts
    would also constitute a variorium, but these seem to be
    rare in numismatic literature. -Editor]

Source URL Date published
  • 2005-04-24
  • 8


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