SEEING DOUBLE Public Deposited

Article content
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 3, January 16, 2000, Article 7


    In response to the story about the double-printed article,
    Pete Smith writes: "I was going to submit something about
    Brad Karoleff's column in Coin World but you got there first.
    My copy also has his column printed twice. I wonder if that
    represents a new type of literature error and if that issue will
    become a collector's item."

    With tongue planted firmly in cheek, Ken Bressett writes:
    "We have all been worried about the Y2K threat, and now it
    is evident that the worst has happened. Two Brad Karoleffs
    is more than anyone should have to endure. Is it possible that
    this is a sign of the beginning of the end of the world? Or has it
    happened and this is our punishment for past numismatic sins!?"

    William T. Gibbs, COIN World News Editor writes: "Brad's
    column appeared twice due to a computer-generated
    production error (completely unrelated to Y2K, I hasten to
    add). Brad's second column replaced Gerald Tebben's column,
    which we are running in the Jan. 24 issue. Jerry Tebben took
    the mistake well. He's an editor at the Columbus Dispatch, so
    he understands how these things happen."

Source URL Date published
  • 2000-01-16
  • 3


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