G. D. LOPEZ SOUGHT Público Deposited
- David Gladfelter writes: "A question for our e-readers: Does
anyone recognize the name G. D. Lopez, presumably a
collector active in the 1930s?His/her name is not among Pete Smith's 1400 nor Martin
Gengerke's 5600. It does not appear in any of the ANA
membership lists from 1944-1964 nor in the New York City
and State sections of those from 1930-40 (I didn't check the
other geographical areas). It does not appear in the ANS
membership list included within the 1930 ANA membership
list.I have Stack's "housebound" set of catalogs for the year 1940.
On the spine someone has written: "This book contains the
G. D. Lopez collection -- see June 4-5, 1940 sale." The main
content of that sale was a set of gold coins of the world. The
consignor is not identified by initials, although other consignors
are, none with initials G.D.L." - 2002-08-12
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