G. D. LOPEZ SOUGHT Público Deposited

Conteúdo do artigo
  • David Gladfelter writes: "A question for our e-readers: Does
    anyone recognize the name G. D. Lopez, presumably a
    collector active in the 1930s?

    His/her name is not among Pete Smith's 1400 nor Martin
    Gengerke's 5600. It does not appear in any of the ANA
    membership lists from 1944-1964 nor in the New York City
    and State sections of those from 1930-40 (I didn't check the
    other geographical areas). It does not appear in the ANS
    membership list included within the 1930 ANA membership

    I have Stack's "housebound" set of catalogs for the year 1940.
    On the spine someone has written: "This book contains the
    G. D. Lopez collection -- see June 4-5, 1940 sale." The main
    content of that sale was a set of gold coins of the world. The
    consignor is not identified by initials, although other consignors
    are, none with initials G.D.L."

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2002-08-12
  • 5


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