- Steve Pellegrini writes: "In Luigi Pedalino's 'Numismatist'
article about philanthropist Peter Cooper, he includes a large
group photo taken in front of the Cooper Union. The
occasion is the 1907 dedication of Saint-Gaudens'
memorial statue of Cooper. The author states in the photo's
caption that sculptor Saint-Gaudens is present somewhere
in that large crowd. Of course I was immediately curious
to see if I could find the artist's exact location. Naked eye,
magnifying glass and 17x loupe were all of little help although
I did think the aspect and stance of a slight figure standing at
the left of the monument's pediment seemed eerily familiar.
The figure is attired in a European cut suit and hat far more
stylish than his rather dowdy academic neighbors.Remembering the digital kiddy-cam microscope I'd recently
bought on an E-Sylum tip, I decided to use it for a (much)
closer look. Sure enough, there stood the dapper
Saint-Gaudens standing directly at the west corner of the
monument with his arm raised in a "here I am" wave -- at
least it appears that way to me. Did anyone else with too
much time on his or her hands bother to search for
Saint-Gaudens in this photo?" - 2002-09-15
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