C4online a new egroup Pubblico Deposited
- From wierzba@shore.net Fri May 26 17:20:55 2000
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Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 00:20:48 -0000
To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: C4online a new egroup
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From: wierzba@shore.net
Because of security and other reasons, a majority of the C4 board and
officers have authorized C4 members only egroup called C4online. The
link is http://www.egroups.com/group/C4online. Bob Merchant will
the membership list for admission to the group. He is travelling and
we cannot start until he returns
I have been asked to provide some guidelines for the group. I will
offer my own opinions and preferences:
Civility: let's try to address each other with respect even though we
may disagree on the subject at hand
Commercialism: references to colonials for sale should be
discreet--perhaps a reference to a website, an EBAY sale number or a
suggestion to email the seller directly to get a listing
Others: keep attachments small, use word wrap on your replies and
respect the storage space limitations if you post to the files section
Any feedback or comments are welcome - 2000-05-26
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