Speaking of shanks! Público Deposited


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  • From vermont@mindspring.com Tue Jun 13 08:10:56 2000
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    Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 15:10:37 -0000
    To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
    Subject: Re: Speaking of shanks!
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    From: "Bob Merchant" <vermont@mindspring.com>

    Jim Skalbe was not yet online the last time I asked him (at the
    F.U.N. Show ?). He might be now, but I don't know his e-mail

    He, and the gentleman that travels to coin shows with him, know more
    about coin buttons than probably anyone. They have an amazing
    collection, including many Latin American coins, made in official
    latin American mints, that were made for the purpose of using as
    buttons. The coins look almost identical to regal issues, except
    the legends are slightly different. Jim and his friend told me that
    real coins were commonly used as buttons by the well-to-do people.
    Other less affluent persons would use these "imitation coins" as
    buttons since they were less expensive, yet looked like the real
    thing. I doubt if this interesting area of "coinage" has been
    catalogued yet.


    --- In colonial-coins@egroups.com, johnmenc@m... wrote:
    > These I have several. Another and even more serious buyer of these
    is Jim Skalbe of Colonial Trading of Boston. Anyone have his E-Mail
    alert him to this item. He never seems to own enough colonial era
    buttons. Thanks for the look out Byron.

    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: Byron Weston
    > To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
    > Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 1:22 PM
    > Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Speaking of shanks!
    > Funny how things show up on ebay just when you've been talking
    about them. John offered to buy any 1/2d with a shank attached, well
    John, its not a 1/2d but it does have a shank. Check out item#
    356182802, a Carlos & Johanna 4 Reales with a silver shank.
    > Byron
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    > colonial-coins-unsubscribe@egroups.com

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2000-06-13
  • 1


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