$$eBAY ABAFIL COIN CASE Público Deposited

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  • From ken.conley@the-spa.com Sat Jul 01 08:22:14 2000
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    Subject: $$eBAY ABAFIL COIN CASE
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    From: Ken Conley <ken.conley@the-spa.com>

    Just listed this on eBay:

    ABAFIL COIN CASE (Mini-Diplomat "5"). A coin storage and carrying case
    manufactured by Abafil of Milan, Italy. Coin trays are wood w/plush red
    velvet lining and cushioned nylon bottoms. Size: 10 x 7-3/4 x 3. Twenty
    spaces to each tray. 1-3/8 x 1-3/8 size openings. Holds 100 coins. Sells
    new for $210.00. This is your chance to get one at a much lower price.

    Good luck,

    Eileen Conley
URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2000-07-01
  • 1


Autor NNP