C/S Publique Deposited
- From palmers4@erols.com Sun Jul 02 08:26:39 2000
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Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2000 15:25:44 -0000
To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: Re: C/S
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From: "David Palmer" <palmers4@erols.com>
--- In colonial-coins@egroups.com, kschlemm@a... wrote:
> I have a 67-v with a "v" counterstamped on the reverse. Irony or
> Kayla
Kayla, Depends, is it a large "V" or a small "v"? Mostly single
letter C/S are considered to be damage to the coin and not purposeful
C/S. Except for the "D" on the 1804 dollar. If the letter is raised
in a depression it would then be collectible as a C/S. David - 2000-07-02
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