#1022 Danish West Indies Public Deposited
- From ColonialJeff@webtv.net Thu Jul 13 22:25:47 2000
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Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 22:21:37 -0700 (PDT)
To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: Re: #1022 Danish West Indies
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From: ColonialJeff@webtv.net
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Re: Post #1022. With regards to Danish West Indies coins: Krause lists 4
different varieties of Danish West Indies coins and a US Nova
Constellatio Cent that are countermarked with "12-rayed sunbursts" for
use in Vieques (Crab) Island. According to Krause, there are 2 types of
counterstamps that were used. I have recently purchased a regal 1749
British farthing that is apparently counterstamped with a Type-II "V in
12-rayed sunburst" on both sides and is unlisted in Krause as such.
(Supposedly, this very coin was attributed by someone named Louis Hudson
as a genuine Vieques/Crab Island counterstamp although I don't see the
"V" as it is pictured in Krause). Note: Vieques (Crab) Island is listed
under Puerto Rico in the Krause 19th Century Catalog. Hope this post
isn't broken-up with those annoying "=" as in my first posts! Hope the
picture works! Jeff.
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