hard time tokens of 1830's Público Deposited
- From lombardo@penn.com Sat Jul 29 17:54:17 2000
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Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 00:54:13 -0000
To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: hard time tokens of 1830's
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From: lombardo@penn.com
I saw a early copper price list with a heading of hard times tokens
and they were from the 1830's. One that was of interest had a variety
low 8 1834 running boar (assume it has a boar on it). I know about
hard time tokens during the civil war period but not this era. I
tried to find a reference to them in red book, crosby, breen but came
up empty. Could someone enlighten me about these. I am assuming they
wre put out during the depression during the 1830's (think it was one
of the worst one the country had ever seen - makes the great
depression look tame). But I don't ever recall seeing anything
numismatic about it - any help would be appreciated and are these
coppers that copper enthusist collect? - 2000-07-29
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