The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 37, August 28, 2005, Article 2
Rich Jewell writes: "I just finished reading the Coin World
issue for week of August 29. Fred Reed's column, The Week
That Was, The week Aug 29 to Sept. 4, in banner headlines
notes, "E-Sylum weekly electronic newsletter debuts". The
last entry in column states "1998, first issue of electronic
newsletter, E-Sylum". Kudos all around!!! And Happy
Anniversary on seven great years!"[Seven years - time sure flies. My eldest son Christopher
was born in December 1998, and soon he'll be seven, too.
It's been a great run, and I'm still having fun putting the issues
together. Having such a great group of subscribers is
another reason for slogging through each week. We've
all created something of value here, and I'm glad to play my
part. Keep those submissions coming, folks: questions and
queries, news items, and just about any old item that seems
interesting. And keep up the promotional work - we get
most of our new subscribers by referral, so tell your numismatic
friends and encourage them to sign up at this web address:
-Editor]- 2005-08-28
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