halpeny Öffentlichkeit Deposited

  • From marc1@kc-primary.net Mon Sep 25 18:58:04 2000
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    To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
    Subject: halpeny
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    From: "Marc Mayghugh" <marc1@kc-primary.net>

    I've been reading the diary of Thomas Minor,a Massachusetts farmer
    1653-1684. On at least four occassions he mentions branding a horse
    and, Eare marking with a Halpeny,sometimes halpenie, on the foreside
    of each Eare.Once, he states,"he have a halpenie cut on the
    ffore side of each Eare".Anybody know he is referring to? He's
    definately talking about a halfpenny because in his accounts he uses
    the same term.

Quell-URL Veröffentlichungsdatum
  • 2000-09-25
  • 1

