Purely Commercial Público Deposited
- From Rosaamltd@aol.com Wed Sep 27 11:25:59 2000
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Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 18:25:54 -0000
To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: Purely Commercial
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From: Rosaamltd@aol.com
Hey Group! I just e-mailed out the advance text of my 15th price
list of colonial coins (160+ pages, 500+ different coins, in all
different areas), and looking over my cyber mailing list, I see that
some but not all of the members of this chat group are included.
While I don't think this is the forum to actually offer coins for
sale or trade, I did want to let the members know that this list is
out -- and that I would be more than happy to e-mail you an advance
copy of the text as well as send a printed version when it is back
from the printers (the printed version will also have photographs of
200+ coins).
Both the e-mail and printed versions are absolutely free, and the
only catch is that you will have to e-mail me to request it -- that
is, I will NOT randomly e-mail it to people from this chat group. If
you don't have it sitting in your mailbox already, chances are that
you are not on my list -- and if you want it, all you have to do is
Former customers or people who were on my mailing list in the past
but no longer wished to receive these price lists are also welcome to
request a copy, no hard feelings, and also free of charge.
Enough of the commercial interruption -- let's see some more
interesting chat!
Jeff Rock - 2000-09-27
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