c/s Anton 2 Public Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] Re


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  • From Rosaamltd@aol.com Mon Oct 16 19:20:32 2000
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: c/s Anton 2
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    From: Rosaamltd@aol.com

    Dan, I think everyone who is a serious collector loves to read ANYTHING
    about colonials, especially in a medium like Coin World which can devote
    pages to the fascinating history of the Susan B. Anthony Dollar and note the
    Perkins sale of Connecticut coppers in a paragraph. Hmmm, which one is
    worthy of the coverage?

    I for one have always enjoyed your column, even if the information is more of
    a review than groundbreaking news -- you have a limited amount of space, and
    need to produce something that is interesting for all levels of collector.
    If you devoted 10 columns to deviations of weights for Hibernia halfpennies,
    I suspect your audience WOULD be bored silly. But when you get to write in a
    high-profile publication, general information is pretty much the best thing
    there is to give -- and I'm sure a number of new collectors have entered the
    hobby through the opening provided by your column.

    Now, as for topics -- how about doing something on the only colonial series I
    can really collect, the French Colonies pieces????
Source URL Date published
  • 2000-10-16
  • 1


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