"Liberace Head" 2 reales Público Deposited

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  • From marc1@kc-primary.net Thu Oct 19 14:52:23 2000
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    Subject: "Liberace Head" 2 reales
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    I compared this counterfeit to the Kleeberg plate and believe it might be
    93A-L-6.By the way, both articles in the COAC book were very interesting,as
    well as informative,regarding this series. To illustrate rarity,Lorenzo
    mentions that R.C.Willey has seen 50 Vexator tokens in his article. I know
    that the ANS and Bank of Canada have half this amount in their collections.
    Does anyone know of any other large holdings of Vexators? I know its a
    little off the beaten path, but in my opinion, the Vexator is one of the
    neatest counterfeits around. I would also appreciate hearing from anyone
    that might have a Vexator in their collection.

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URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2000-10-19
  • 1


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