Wood 23 Publique Deposited
- From johnmenc@mindspring.com Sun Oct 22 10:46:30 2000
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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 17:46:28 -0000
To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: Wood 23
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From: johnmenc@mindspring.com
Since at least for the time being I hope I have backed you off that
Wood 1-43 are Blacksmiths and this is enough at this time to await
and see what your opinions are until you can personally investigate
this series in depth for yourself.
Wood 23 is a confirmed Blacksmith based on my recent investigations.
I did a study recently showing that the dies for this Wood 29
Blacksmith did break severley in Troy, NY initially as the break seen
in Wood 29-a appears on a Troy storecard ALSO and also appears on a
NY HTT thick flan. This broken and used die for both the obverse and
reverse of Wood 29-a was then tranferred to the Lower Canada
operation or the other geographical operation for the sake of
argument at this time and Wood 29-a was struck on a thin Blacksmith
flan using these discarded dies. When the obverse die broke leaving
the reverse die remaining (from memory - Taylor is at work) Wood 29
was created with all the other Wood types having this design.
The HTT token of Wood 29-a is found on a thick HTT flan, Wood 29-a is
on the broken thin Blacksmith flan as seen in Baker and the one in my
collection, Wood 29 and all the other obverse/reverse married
combinations support this American /Canadian based operation. If this
is confusing one day I will show you all these dies through the
specimens in my collection. I have all these specimens on this trail
of broken and discarded dies. Its a fascinating and somewhat complex
trail to the newcomer in this series. JPL. - 2000-10-22
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