Handling Large Volumes of Messages Pubblico Deposited
- From vermont@mindspring.com Fri Oct 27 17:58:37 2000
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Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 00:58:32 -0000
To: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: Handling Large Volumes of Messages
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From: "Bob Merchant" <vermont@mindspring.com>
Neil & others,
I have found that using the www.egroups.com web site (No Mail/Web
Only option) to view the messages in the two Colonial forums works
very well for me. I could not handle having this many messages in my
mailbox. Being able to navigate to the Colonial egroups home page(s)
and view the messages at my leisure has worked like a charm.
This viewing method also has other advantages, such as being able to
see all of the message headers together, and how they relate to each
other. I believe that anyone who bookmarks the two Colonial message
pages and views the messages in this manner will see that it is more
convenient than having your e-mailbox over-loaded.
FYI: There are currently 83 members on this egroup (Colonial Coins).
The viewing method used by members breaks down as follows:
31 -- No Mail/Web Only
35 -- Individual Emails
17 -- Daily Digest
Bob Merchant - 2000-10-27
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